Sunday, November 18, 2018

Why are we here?

Any creation in the universe must have a purpose and this blog is no exception. There was a time in my life when I took everything and everyone for granted, my family, my wellbeing, intelligence and abilities of myself and others. That time is long gone, and though I miss the bliss of ignorance I realize true happiness comes from knowing the difference between hardship and good times. In writing this blog I seek to provide you with insight, through stories, references, and whenever possible humor. But above all, I seek to give you hope, the kind of hope I lost years ago as I tried to keep up with my own expectations and those of others. This blog is not politically correct, as I strive to relate the stories as accurately as I remember them, and the experiences from my imperfect, biased and incomplete perspective as unfiltered as possible. Therefore, hope may spark from affinity between my experience and yours... or perhaps pity, irony or incredulity. Whatever the case, this blog is for you to enjoy, to distract you from your own reality and give you a space to share, vent and cry, or to simply hope for what I call unreal love. The kind of love we all think we're incapable of giving, or worse yet receiving.